Pass currentUser to Backend-Workflow not possible

Hi all,

I’ve created a backend workflow that needs a “User”-Type and I want to run the backend-wf and pass the current user to do a db insert job. See last KEY “Eintrag-User”:

And as you can see here, it is not possible to send the current user (logged in user) to my API - Connector (backend-wf):

Has someone any idea ?


It is definitely possible to pass the Current User into BackEnd Workflows. Something is not setup correctly on your workflow. Double check perhaps?

Instead of using the API Connector, have you tried using the “Schedule an API Workflow” action? You’re able to pass the User datatype in that case.

@jagdish_bajaj : Very strange! I did a browser reload ( :wink: ) - but same thing. Should I provide more informations?

@londonhere : I don’t want to do it by scheduling an API workflow. (Main reason: I want to track the “loading time” and show a spinner. If I don’t use the Api-Connector, I have to handle it by setting a state in the db before running the API wf and if the API wf has finished. I already asked the forum ( Indicate finish of running backend workflow (loading/spinner-elements) - #16 by jupixy ).

So… no solution until now :frowning:

Of course, the API connector can only accept ‘text’ values, so you need to use the Unique ID of the User.

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Okay, I switched the value to “text” :

How to convert the text the a user object ?!

You’ve got to do a search for the User based on the unique ID that was passed.

You can keep the user as the type in backend wf and just complete your expression with current user’s unique ID

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No, don’t change the parameter of your Backend Workflow to text… keep that as User.

You just need to pass the User as it’s unique ID.

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