Password reset token is not being issued

I am creating a B2C service. Although authentication currently uses SNS, I am trying to switch to Bubble’s standard email/password authentication.

I want to allow users who have been logging in with SNS to log in with email/password.

Current implementation plan:

  1. On the transfer_account page: execute “send password reset email” → pass the token as a parameter and “go to page reset_pw” *first image
  2. On reset_pw: execute “reset password” → execute “update user’s credentials” *second image

I have tried the above, but I cannot issue the token and pass it as a parameter. Can anyone help me with this?

What I’ve tried:

  • Not logged in? → Doesn’t work even when logged in.
  • Doesn’t execute in debug mode? → Tried in non-debug mode, but still doesn’t work.
  • Need to have an email? (Since SNS authentication doesn’t use email) → Doesn’t work even for users with an email.

I have same issue sending pw reset email even there is valid workflow.

I assume that there is something wrong with pass reset system

Thank you for the reply!
What is the pass reset system?
If there is any other information needed to resolve this issue, please let me know and I will provide it!

oh I meant the PW reset system in the bubble. io

I am currently in a inquiry, but I think that there is something wrong with the bubble server. (maybe??)

What’s the link to the page you are redirecting to? There might be an issue with the parameters being sent probably?

Oh, I apologize :sweat_smile:

So you’re making an inquiry! Could you share the response with me once you receive it?
By the way, when did you make the inquiry?

Thank you for the reply!
The destination page is “reset_pw”!

For security reasons, the token generation is available via a backend workflow. If you choose to send the email directly, Bubble will generate and send the email from the backend. If you choose to generate the token only, Bubble will generate it on the backend but it will not send it to the frontend.

I’ve created an example here - Link to the editor

What I’ve done

  1. Added a reset password button
  2. Enabled the backend workflow API
  3. Added a backend workflow that takes an email as a parameter
  4. Added the API connector in the plugins to the app
  5. Called the backend workflow via the API and get the token as a response
  6. Send the token to the reset_pw page and voila!

Let me know if you have any questions :slight_smile:

If you want to fix it, and not have this issue in the future, you can use your own API key for SendGrid or use a different email provider like Postmark.

Oh, great, the token was issued! Thank you!
I have a few additional questions.

  1. What is this API? Is there any documentation available?
    Are there any security measures that should be taken when implementing this?

  1. On the reset_pw page, when I executed the “reset password”, I got a WRONG_RESET_PASSWORD error.
    How can I resolve this…?
    The documentation mentions “long id,” but I’m concerned that it’s not actually a long.
    The URL is my own domain with version-test: reset_pw?debug_mode=true&reset=80868

This is known as the workflow API in Bubble. You can check out additional documentation on this here.

Yes, it’s great that you asked this. You should ideally generate an authentication token from Settings in your Bubble app and use that in the API connector to call your backend workflow API. You can find details regarding that here.

I’m sorry, I am not sure why this came up. Can you send a few screenshots of your setup?

Thank you for attaching the documentation!
This is how “reset password” is implemented!

What does Update the user’s credentials (Step 2) do?

This is how it is!
Are you saying that the error might not be occurring at reset password (step 1)?

Sorry for asking for so much advice…
I would appreciate it if you could help me a little more.

Just had a user with this problem.

Try this: only send the email if you find a user with that email address. I bet you it’s not finding the user so it’s not creating the token but it’s sending the email anyway.

Thank you for the reply!

It seems that the token is being issued, but is it not the correct token?

I can’t test it because I can’t send emails as I haven’t set up something like SendGrid…

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