Payments Rails Api connection(Timestamp)

its javascript

Try something like (replace your current return signature)

    var result = {
     signature:  signature

return result;

its giving me this error "Plugin action test error when parsing the response:
the key signature is not part of the value definition

Be sure that the key is correct and match what you have in your plugin setting. According to the screenshot, this is what I understand from your settings.
In Bubble server side action, you need to return a JS object that contain all key value pair
key1: value,
key2: value

that makes sence. So

Screen Shot 2021-03-18 at 2.46.11 PM

and return key is called sign

Yes. If the key match what you have in setting and also the type you are sending is the correct one (text, number, thing…) it should work.

Hey thanks Jici, got the hash to appear, just getting bad hash errors.

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I know how much it’s can be complicated. I have created a plugin for Etsy that was using this and this was easy to make an error somewhere.

Even though i am using plugin to hash, still using it with api connecter to send requests.

Yes. This is what I do too for Etsy. So I can use Bubble data parsing

ya not sure why mine not working.

does this make sense? code from my plugin

It’s hard for me to help you on that because there’s no good example in the API Doc (like a complete thing you can try to reproduce to see if you can get the same result and find where it fail).

There’s a few tool online that can create the signature and you can compare from theses tools and what you get from your plugin if they are the same.
Two links I found usefull: