PictureUploader - remove shown image


I’m struggling around with the PictureUploader. I would like to make it possible to clear (remove) an uploaded picture. I’ve put the following elements into a group:

I would like the “Clear” button to remove the shown picture. Of course I can upload a new picture by clicking the picture itself, but not remove it again.
(I’ve tried both a workflow behind the Clear button and the auto-binding option).

Any idea how to do this?



Group your picture uploader. When clear button is pressed->reset data of parent group.

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Element Actions --> Reset inputs worked for me. Also (and you probably know this), doing so does not actually delete the uploaded file. That must be managed separately.

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Thanks for your input.

This is exactly what I did. A group (called Group Image) containing the PictureUploader and the Clear button. The Data Source for the group is set to Parents Groups Thing.

Workflow: When “Clear” button pressed -> Reset Group Image… nothing happens :frowning:

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look at the link i sent, it shows working.

@kurt, have you tried a simple “Reset inputs”. I did exactly what you’re trying to do just yesterday, and I didn’t have to create a special group. Under the hood, a Picture Uploader is an “input” element of type “file”, so simply resetting relevant inputs worked for me.

@anon65040322 Thanks - yes it is working until I add a dynamic (or an auto-binding) image.

The idea behind this is to make a very simple product item catalogue. Items can have an image added in the database. But when it is added, it can’t be removed again.

@sudsy - Thanks, I’ve tried to reset inputs, but I guess I have to re-structure the entire app because everything is grouped to get this to work.

check the link again, this is with auto-binding. just make a change to current cell’s product and make it blank =

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Thanks… it works :slight_smile:

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