Reset Picture Uploader

Hello, I have a problem with reseting PictureUploader.

I have 2 images and uploader that are align to parent. I want user to click on icon “delete” if he doesn’t like photo and immediately upload another one. When I delete photo from image that image appears in picture uploader but I want it to be clean.

I trie Reset data and Reset inputs but it didn’t help. Maybe someone had the same problem and know how to fix it?

Here is the link to the app:

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Interesting question. If user clicks again on the picture uploader to upload a new photo, it will upload a new photo. You can add a button to upload (and save to database), if button is not pressed, it will not be saved on the database. Is this fine UX for you?

I have always made the picture uploader 1 by 1 pixel and hidden behind another element and then when the front element is clicked I would Run Javascript to cause the picture uploader to be clicked. This way I have more control over the way the uploader looks. I never liked how it showed the uploaded image either.

I have no idea how to do that. Maybe you have some examples?

Have a look at this

Editor: public-tests | Bubble Editor


Thank you so much for this example. It did help me. Thank you a lot.

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