I have some misunderstanding regarding the plaid integration plugin by @copilot .
I have set the client ID and secret key related to development in the plugin installed.
Now when setting in the workflow the “Get bank account with plaid”, I tried to set the token link to https://sandbox.plaid.com/link/token/createn but when testing in preview mode, nothing happen.
Does anyone know if the link token is correct or if an other setting is to do ?
I believe that I’m having the same issue as well with the Plaid plugin. They are supposed to be updating the Plaid integration tutorial soon I believe.
Hey @timkeen when you do this, do you see the “select account” modal? For me it goes straight to “successfully linked” screen, and I never get to choose an account.
I ended up booking a session with Copilot and it was extremely helpful. A couple of things have changed since their first video and I was new enough that I couldn’t figure it out on my own.
@mckayprestwich do you please care to share the solution? My the workflow is unable to create the Link Token although I have all valid details in there. This will help me a lot.