Plans pricing and capabilities - MORE SUPPORT

I think the pricing is just fine, and I hope that changing it makes the company more money however what would be nice with all that extra money would be for someone from the company to monitor and answer questions in the forum. Too many questions go unanswered when we know someone in the organization would know the answer.

I don’t think that’s too much to ask for! This would really help the community of users in a cost effective way for bubble.

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I think Bubble purposed the forum to be more of a community helping community type thing, but if you need support from their team to reach out to them. I’ve definitely seen their response time at be much quicker than it was before.

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I think @ryan16 makes a good point here - I have made the same point myself previously.

It’s not really clear when we should be asking here, and when we should be asking support. Really, if we are paying, should we expect the community to support us? However, I don’t think Bubble could handle the query volume if we all started asking them for help directly.

I agree there are too many questions here these days that don’t get answered. I suspect Bubble would reduce their support volume if they actually engaged here and answered some questions.

I will try their direct support although I don’t think that’s nearly as cost effective for them (which I actually care about) and not as good for the community (which I also care about)

Please @emmanuel consider this. You could have that direct support team take some of their time to answer forum questions regularly and consistently - it would reduce direct email support and increase engagement…

The reason I go to the forum before sending an email is because it can often times be a lot faster and I don’t lose my momentum.


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