Hi I am trying to use a button to trigger a call to myself (very simple thing).
I received the folowing error message:
TypeError: context.request is not a function.
I completed the API information.
The TwiML file URL is http://demo.twilio.com/docs/voice.xml
Also see the attached error message.

You have an error in your code of the plugin.
It is all buttons and clicks…where can i view the source code. It is no-code environment…
If it’s a plugin you got off store it could be an out of date one. Can you share screenshot of which plugin you’re using?
You could be passing a value that breaks the plugin bc it’s misformatted but due to the error I don’t think that’s the case.
This is the one I am using…
Well to & from both have to be a phone number (with country code)
And add your fileURL.
From has to be a number owned by the twilio account.
looks like I need two australian numbers. Previously I tried one US number (provided by Twilio) and one AU number (my own)…
The fileURL was already there when I created the flow…I didn’t change it and I don’t know what I should change it to or I need to change it at all.
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