I’ve been using Postmark for a couple of months now to send transactional emails for my bubble site using a 3rd party plugin. I switched to Postmark for my emailing because I heard good things on the Bubble forum, but unfortunately am now having to consider making another switch, probably to Brevo. I’m reaching out because I’d prefer not to switch, but haven’t been able to find the resources to justify staying with Postmark as my business grows.
My concern is sending newsletter broadcast emails to those of my users who signed up and allowed marketing emails to be sent to them. But because I’m not familiar with html, I designed my newsletter in designmodo and then downloaded the html, with images hosted by them and linked.
But it seems like a huge hassle to actually send this html out to those users who have subscribed, and I don’t understand how this can be so difficult. I spoke with my dev, who said it would take several hours each time to format the JSON, and that he’d preffer to build a plugin to handle this.
Given how complicated this has all gotten, I’m considering switching to Brevo, since they have a drag and drop editor. All I want to do is to be easily able to send great marketing emails to my users at a price that my small business can afford.
Can anyone provide any insights or guidance as what I might be overlooking or whether there are resources for how to set this up?
Maybe Brevo/SendinBlue is better for template editing and worth looking at.
Fiddling around with the JSON is brittle and time consuming. It’s fine for those Bubblers who aren’t paying for their time but some one else is . Consider this plugin to sidestep all that JSON stuff. Postmark Template Plugin | Bubble Disclosure - it’s my plugin - but for me it’s by far the easiest way to use Postmark Templates - unless you love JSON and the API connector and love looking at JSON for syntax issues
… before a load of folks jump on that statement - it is easy in Bubble to create JSON and the API connector is easy to use. If you are inclined and have the time.
So for me - I still use Postmark - but I use AI to create the templates (I am too lazy to code HTML these days) and my plugin to send the dynamic values to Postmark ( I am too lazy to create JSON in Bubble) …
Postmark templates are HTML with variable place holders like {{ name }} that are stored in Postmark - so you create your Postmark templates however you want eg AI , Designmodo - and manage these as Templates in Postmark.
Then from Bubble you say “here is the dynamic data (it is JSON under the covers), and here is the name of the Template (stored in Postmark) into which merge in the dynamic data”
I possibly don’t understand your question … but I hope that makes sense
I think the answer to your question is - It is Postmark that allows you to send the HTML that you created in Designmodo.