Product Suggestion - Editor Feature: "Usable" Tab Components

Bubble is great at crafting powerful tabbed-page UIs. But configuring a tabbed interface with multiple layers of tabs can be daunting, even with the Elements Tree. you have to dig for the Group you want and make it visible.

This was the same problem that existed in 1999 with the first versions of Visual Basic. A “tab” component was just a series of buttons that “showed and hid” frames (groups) of components. That didn’t last long, and they changed to what I’m suggesting next.

A better way would be to add just a LITTLE BIT of functionality into the IDE of the editor when a component is a Tab control:

  1. Associate the Tab “when clicked”-Group with the Group that contains the content to show/hide.
  2. Add an event handler in the editor such that when the developer clicks on the tab group, it shows the associated group (marks visible) and hides the others (marks not visible)
  3. You could even add a special visual dongle element on groups marked as a Tab group to be clicked:


It’s really only 3 groups, and instead of show hide you can use toggle. Use repeating groups instead of static so you only need 1 action.

That sums up easiest way to handle + some info

If you need multi level use a field called level (1,2,3) and use nested RG

These are all good suggestions, but the feature I’m suggesting is slightly different. It’s radically changing how the editor UI works. At runtime, these dynamic suggestions are great. However, at designtime when you’re in the Bubble editor, you have to drill into the element tree to find your “Main content” group (whatever you call it), then click it to “show” those elements in the editor.

I’m asking for a way where you could click on the “tab” group and have it automatically show the associated content group automatically. in other words, making the editor experience similar to the experience the user has when the app is previewed.