QR Generator Erorr

why this erorr happen is any thing in wrong way ?
1- creating qr

2- save it

Erorr :
plugin :upside_down_face:

Try triggering the “Make changes to user” from the “A QR Code With Logo Is Uploaded” event since you’ll need to wait for the upload to finish.

thanks for you response @tylerboodman
not work also

Looks like “Create a Basic QR Code” is a serverside action meaning you don’t need the element on page, and can simply refer to the “Result of Step 1’s URL”

i removed element from page and "A QR Code With Logo Is Uploaded” or QRCodeWithLogo not in actions now

You won’t need the “A QR Code With Logo Is Uploaded” event, but there should still be there “create a basic QR code” action available, no?

yes ,you are right still available
but create a basic QR the reason for erorr
is all set right ?

Hmm… yea maybe worth reaching out to the plugin dev with that error.

Just confirm though that the “Parent group’s User” isn’t empty so its not sending a blank value. Maybe that’s supposed to be Current User’s unique id?

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Yes it work fine now
thanks so mush @tylerboodman

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