Question for those who use Discourse

I’m considering upgrading my Bubble plan to support the built-in Discourse forum integration.

What I’m curious about is how much beyond the SSO can I integrate with my site? For example, my site is gamified so when a user takes a certain action, they are awarded a certain amount of points.

Can that gamification tie into Discourse actions fairly easily? (e.g. if user creates forum topic, award them 10 points).

Not with the built in Bubble integration, but with a plugin on the market, or using the API absolutely doable.

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Good to know @lantzgould! So I guess this begs the question: is the only benefit of the upgraded Bubble plan is that they setup the hosting and SSO for you? It seems we can bypass that need by installing Discourse on our Bubble server manually and then using their API to handle the SSO.

Would that be a correct assumption?

The bubble integration is purely the sso piece.

For hosting, your on your own. Although hosting your own discourse is certainly cheaper than it would be to use say discourse’s cloud solution. Either option you could then use the api if you need to integrate it with your app is a good route.