Real Pre-Loading of all groups for One-page apps

  1. Create a Floating Group to serve as your loading screen. Ensure it appears before displaying any content requiring loading.

  2. Within the Floating Group, implement a progress bar.

  3. Assign URL parameters to each page and utilize “Go to Page” actions to switch between them.

  4. Develop Conditional Workflows( RUNNING “JUST ONCE”) as follows: When URL parameter page is “profile” for example, initiate a 3 second pause, then navigate to the next page with URL parameter page “main” for example, create this conditional workflow for every “page”(group) in your application that needs loading. (This way while you can see loading screen, parameters change so groups load behind the loading screen)

  5. In the conditions of the progress bar within the floating group, set its progress to 10%(example) when the URL parameter is “profile,” 20% when it’s “main,” and so forth for each of the pages, or alternatively, set custom percentages. (Progress bar is optional but its good for users to see the progress of loading).

  6. In the final Conditional Workflow, which includes a 3-second pause before transitioning to the last page(group), ensure that it navigates to the page(group) you want visible (set URL parameters of first group) and then set a custom state, such as “loaded,” to “yes.”

  7. Configure the visibility settings of the Loading Floating Group such that it is not visible when the “loaded” state is set to “yes.” (So loading screen will be hidden when all pages are loaded)

I find this solution great if you have videos or images in your app that sometimes load slow when user uses app first time.

If you have any further questions or need clarification, please don’t hesitate to ask. You can test the implementation in my app through the following link: Flasker App

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EDIT: In Conditional Workflows as condition add: Loading Floating Group to be visible. So if its not visible no loading would hapend.

Wow. This is a truly innovative solution holy cow. bravo man, bravo.

Your video player continues to play when I use browser back button, after I had pressed start journey which I think causes the video player to fill screen and auto plays. Also when I press the start journey I see a set of inputs for 1.5 seconds before they automatically hide and the video takes over screen.

Thanks for comment. Begin Journey button and register page is not finished not even tested once as I focus on game mechanics for now.

Have in mind that this will be wrapped for mobile so use it with 320x640 px screen.

You mean music continue to play yes. Video have no sound. Music will be connected to visibility detector.