Receiving emails to bubble domain

Hi I am looking to be able to receive emails to an address that is based on my bubble site domain. Eg:

I use that same email for onboarding via Postmark integration.

Hey @vassili.zinchenko,

If you are looking to set up emails via Bubble’s built-in email functionality, you will need a Sendgrid API Key.

For Bubble help, reach out via Bubble Coaching | New Horizon Code for your free 30-minute coaching session.

Happy bubble’n

Hi @newhorizoncode will I need Sendgrid integration even if I am using Postmark?


If you want to access Bubble’s built-in email functionality, sadly, yes.

For Bubble help, reach out via Bubble Coaching | New Horizon Code for your free 30-minute coaching session.

Happy bubble’n

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Bummer! Was hoping to avoid Sendgrid entirely due to the constant delivery issues they have.

You can use Postmark to deliver any required emails, even transactional ones.

It may take a little longer to set up but don’t feel as if you have to use Sendgrid at all.

For Bubble help, reach out via Bubble Coaching | New Horizon Code for your free 30-minute coaching session.

Happy bubble’n

Hi @vassili.zinchenko,

You do not need to have a Sendgrid API key. Simply create a Google Workspace or Microsoft Business email with the email address you would like to send with.

Then when replies are made and your inbox is setup (either Google Workspace or Microsoft), then you will receive replies there.

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Thank you @johnny and @newhorizoncode for your help.

I set up a Google Workspace and it all works.

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