Recommended solution of setting the states to empty by setting value to 'nothing', it does not work

Hello Bubblers,

I need your help. I have a custom state with a list. When I try the Recommended solution of setting the states to empty by setting value to ‘nothing’, it does not work. See screen shot.

What works instead is page refresh.

Please help.

That should work…

So either there’s a bug (in which case file a bug report), or something else is setting the state to another value somewhere in your workflows, so double check everything, then if still no joy I’d suggest filing a bug report.

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Poor me, the issue was not the “recommended solution” BUT RATHER the visibility of custom state element not being visible - I set up the custom state on an element (repeating group) that was not visible to other elements. So so sorry - I am new to Bubble - typical learning curve curse.

This closes this topic as the recommended solution actually works as per the kind word of adamhholmes - thanks to him because it made me debug even more open-mindedly - hence my finding about the visibility of custom states.


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