Refresh Repeating Group populated by API provider mySQL

[quote=“mishav, post:9, topic:7621”]
A repeating group with it’s data source being a query with several parameters. The parameters are defined as the first three items in a list of texts in a custom state. Then a workflow action to alter the list of texts, causes the query parameter to change, resulting in a refresh of the query and new data going to the repeating group.[/quote]
It looks like you’re using the DB Connector, whereas I am using the API Connector (my DB has an API). Even when I define parameters that are effectively changed during every call (because of the custom states), my repeating group will not refresh more than once.

I saw that @natedogg has a free ticker tutorial on codeless academy which repopulates info in a repeating group, but I’m not sure that his news is actually updated until the user logs out and back in again. Mirroring the same technique, I’ve also made it so that my repeating group makes the API call with constantly changing search parameters (I used the “until # Current User’s request_counter” so that the parameters of the call are always changing)

…still no luck. This issue has kind of hijacked this thread, so I’ve moved the discussion over to :