My app allows people to create events and invite other users (via email). My data model is as follows
User (built in data type)
- EmailAddress
- EmailAddress
- InviteStatus
- CreatedByUser
- Date
- Attendees (list of type Atendee)
When a user creates an Event (and Attendees), I add a record for each attendee with an InviteStatus of pending. The Attendees each get an email with a link to the app.
When an Attendee clicks on the link to sign up to the app I want to display a list of events they have been invited to as soon as they have registered. In order to do this I need to search Events that have attendees matching the email address of the user who signed up.
Here’s what I’m doing with the repeating group to show the Events:
- Type of content: Event
- Data source:
Search for Events
-> Type: Event
Constraint: Attendees contains: Search for Attendees
-> Type: Attendee
Constraint: Email = Current User’s Email
The issue checker is suggesting there’s an issue with the type. It says: "Search for Events. Value should be an Attendee but right now it’s a list of Attendees.
Is there a limitation that prevents me from doing the query I want to do?