Every time I think I’m getting my head round the searching functionality on Bubble, I seem to hit a new blocker that I can’t get my head round
I wonder if anyone can help point me in the right direction.
My scenario:
I have a data type called ‘Board’ which has a list field called ‘attendees’, which is populated with email addresses.
I also have the default data type of User, which has a field ‘email’ .
On a ‘Board’ page, I’d like to display some info about the attendees (in a chart, but I’m guessing that’s not particularly relevant to the search side of things.). It’s not their email address I want though - it’s their ‘last used role’ I’m interested in, which is another field on the User data type.
I figured this would be a case of performing a search for Users where email is in the list of attendees for the Board in question. I can’t seem to get that set up though…
I have the following set up, but it’s not working:
Hi there, @mckenzie.aly… so, first, if you are not seeing user data you are expecting to see, this privacy rule could be getting in the way, so check it out.
Also, I don’t know if I understood everything you wrote, but it seems to me that things might be easier if your attendees field was a list of users instead of a list of email addresses. Is there a particular reason you didn’t link directly to the User data type?
The change to the privacy rule definitely made a change - the chart now shows more than just the current user’s role.
I added a new field to the Board data type which is a list of Users instead of the list of text emails. This concept I think is the main thing I’ve been missing as I’ve been working on my project. Looking at my data model there are several examples of where I’m using a text attribute as a ‘join’ between two data types, when really I should have been using the data type itself as the ‘joiner’.
So although there is progress (seeing more user data) I actually think I have a chunk of work to do to refactor things to work using the correct joining strategy before I’ll actually be able to get the filtering right on the chart.
Thanks for the advice though, I feel like it’s definitely set me on the right track.