Remember me checkbox doesn't seem to work

Hi there, folks… could use a little help on this one.

I’m using the sign up / login popup that comes with Bubble, and I can’t get the remember me checkbox to work. I looked through the forum and came up with only this one post from three years ago: Remember me checkbox

In that post, emmanuel’s response links to something that appears to have nothing to do with keeping a user logged in (which birbilis points out in his response). So, I’m kind of stuck at this point.

I have the workflow set up as follows:


(I have another step after this one where Stay logged in is “no” only when the checkbox is not checked.)

Should this work? Apologies if I am missing something ridiculously simple here, but I can’t figure this one out.

Thanks so much for any responses!



There are two concepts at play:

  • Stay Logged In (documentation): keeps the user logged in (until they log out), despite that the user may close the browser window.

  • Remember the email (documentation): when the user is logged out, but returns to the login screen, it auto-fills with the user’s email address.

In the screenshot you shared, the “Remember the email” has no value. (So, while the user may be checking the box on the login screen that says “Remember me”, you haven’t mapped the checkbox’s value to “Remember the email”. If you want it to, then it should be “checkbox’s remember me is checked”

As well, you should only have one “login” event in a workflow. (So, where you mention having a second stay logged in workflow, you should use reference a value dynamically - as with the checkbox example above).

Dan (creator of LearnTo - 15+ hours of Bubble tutorials and live coaching)

I just helped someone else with this issue, but not sure if it is the same problem or not.

Just thought I would throw this out there anyways:

  1. Sometimes what happens is that if you save your login screen as your link to your home page on your phone it just returns to the login screen each time you press the “bookmark”. You need to save it to your page that is logged in. Then if the person is not logged in you can take them to the login screen.

  2. Or also sometimes the user doesn’t have something on their screen that shows when the person is logged in already and a workflow to do something when the person is already logged in.

Just in case this might help someone. :slight_smile:

Thank you for the responses… I really appreciate it.

Dan… I definitely see what you’re saying, and I changed the setup to look like this:


The funny part is that I had Stay Logged In set up like that originally, but I thought it wasn’t working and that I had to set it to “yes” (which I did and that got me down the path of thinking I needed two steps in the workflow). And why didn’t I think it was working? For exactly the reason J805 mentioned in their response… a bookmark going to the login page as opposed to a page that is actually, you know, logged in! Ug… so simple and so silly.

Thanks again to both of you for helping me out here… you guys are awesome.




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