Removing inactive user

I want remove user from my group once he is offline or logged out, so I have a reapting group acts as a room, upon clicking user joins the room. But sometimes people join the room and forget to leave it and directly close the tab.

In this scenario, how do I auto remove the user from that group (room)

please advice

Hey there @m.pulkitmadan,

A suggestion for this, which I’m not sure if it’s the best would be to create a check using the “Last Modified” type in a data type to check if it’s been modified in X minutes.

This is a great option but the user can be online, doing changes on other fields than the ones in his data type right?

@johnny If it’s the case, maybe you can add a field “last action date” time that you update every time the user does something in your app, and then associate some triggers.
You can also use plugins that detect inactivity, like this one:

@vnihoul77 @johnny thank you for your response guys, let me try both… and see what works

Custom states hold page current user id. When it is empty he is out.
There is plugins to check if user is online or not. As well

@solinz great, what is the name of the plugin?

Hi again, you are still waiting for the answer :roll_eyes:

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