Reordering Pages

Hi there, my app pages are all over the place. How can I put them back or organise them in order like the first page, second page, third page, etc., please?

Thank you

Where are you seeing this issue? In the “page dropdown” in the editor, the pages are arranged by alphabetical order (except for Index, reset_pw, and 404.) If you want to organize them, you can rename your pages to include a number in front, and that might work.

Hi potentialthings,

Thank you for your replying. I looked into it and couldn’t see “page dropdown”. The only I can find is the “Arrange” dropdown button on the slight top right of my editor page, but nothing is visible when I clicked on it. Could it there be something missing to activate it?

Hi just managed to work this out like you said, to include a number in front, It worked. It’s under the “Elements Tree” section.

Thank you potentialthings.

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