I have created two repeating groups, one is a list of Agencies and the other is a list of Gigs. I’m trying to display a list of Gigs only when the agency name matches an agency listed in the Agencies Repeating Group. When I add a constraint based on ‘agency name’, nothing is displayed. Not sure what I’m missing here: repeatinggrouptest | Bubble Editor
Just altered it for you - you want "Agency Name IS IN repeating group Agency’s List of Agency’s Name because you’re looking for the list of agencies that contain any gigs with matching names. What you had before was searching for exact matches and not every gig will contain every agency.
It’s a little confusing, and actually what would make your database structure easier for you as you grow your workflow is to reference the agency in the Gig data type… create a field in the Gig data type called “Agency” and make the field type = Agency (your other data type). Then however you create your gigs, make sure you set the agency field to = an agency in your database. That way, the gig RG can actually display all agency information as well since you’ve cross-referenced 2 data entries. Does that make sense? Your source for the gig RG could then be Agency IS IN RG Agency. It’s a little cleaner and will likely be easier to display info.
THANK YOU! I thought I had tried the ‘IS IN’ constraint, guess I missed it.