Hi there, @developer3… it is possible to get data from multiple tables to appear in the same repeating group by using the merged with option in the Data source of the repeating group to merge one search with another. That being said, I can’t think of any way to get the data to alternate the way you have described. Any chance you can provide some details about the use case you are trying to solve? With some more detail, someone might be able point you in a good direction.
First: if the Things you describe as “Table 1” and “Table 2” share so many fields, they should likely be of the same data type. So, you should consider that, @developer3.
(These sound like “Products” to me…)
But what you want to do is, in fact, possible – just not in vanilla Bubble.
Note that if you want to combine two lists of Things, they must be of the same data type and what you want to do is easiest if they are.
(Otherwise, what you’re talking about doing is breaking your two different lists into 6 different lists – Images from Thing 1’s, Images from Thing 2’s, Descriptions from Thing 1’s, Descriptions from Thing 2’s, Names from Thing 1’s, Names from Thing 2’s. What a pain, right?)
Anyway, in answer to your original question, you can do this using my List Shifter plugin (note the latest version is broken - long story - so if you use it, select version 1.7.3 as in the demo app I link to below).