Hi, I have a single column repeating group with dates… below it I have a repeating group that displays data based on a particular date. I want the second RG to only display the date of the date of the current column. Any idea of how to make this work?
I can get it to work fine with a dropdown menu, but not with the RG.
If I understand what you need…
When you user taps on row of your repeating group above set a “state” with the value of the row you will need for the second repeating group.
Then on your second repeating group, place Do Search (for example in the datasource) that searches something based on the value saved in the “state” above.
If you are new, a “state” is similar to a variable where you can hold values. These values can be text, number and much more… they can even be of a database type record. It’s up to you to determine what you need.
Hope this helps…
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Thank you! this worked… The only problem I’m running into is that the Set State will sometimes be ahead of the RG data updating , so the date and data sometimes are off. Playing with the “pause before next action” workflow to help that along.
To wait until data loads in, you can use a conditional like “is loading”. There are others ways. Does this help?
Independent Developer using Bubble
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Thank you for your help… Here’s few screenshots of what I have going. If I insert “pause before next action” it works some of the time, but not as reliable…