I am creating a sign up form on Bubble with input fields such as “First name”, “Email”, “Password”, etc. I added red text underneath each input that says “* Required field”. I gave them each a unique name and unchecked the box that says “This element is visible on page load”.
As an example I will use the “First name” input and the “Error first name” text, which says “*Required field”. I then added the following workflow to the sign up button: “Show error first name only when First Name’s value is empty”. When I test it in preview, and click the sign up button with no text in the first name field, the *Required field" text does not show up, but the outline of the input becomes red because I checked the box that says “This input should not be empty”. What should I do to ensure the * Required field text shows when the sign up button is clicked if the inputs are left empty.
This is because the workflow on the Submit button isn’t triggered yet since there’s a validation on the input saying that it should not be empty.
Ideally, what you can do is, to remove that condition on the input and then try, it should work (keep in mind that you terminate the condition though and don’t let the users sign up).
You can set a visibility condition on the error text to show up as - when the input isn’t valid, the text should be visible
The only issue is that it’ll show up even when a user focusses on the input, doesn’t enter anything and then jumps out of the input since Bubble does the validation there