I don’t know if it’s just me or a bubble bug but it seems “reset input” is not working. I just have a group with an input and a button in it. The button has a workflow to reset the input when clicked but it isn’t working. I have tried to see if it’s a problem within my app but I get the same issue in other apps. I have tried “reset input”, “reset data” but it isn’t working.
The ‘Reset Relevant Inputs’ action only resets inputs who’s values were used in the workflow (otherwise it wouldn’t know which inputs to reset)…
It doesn’t matter where/how they are used in the workflow though (even on an only when condition)… so you can try adding an ‘only when input’s value isn’t empty’ condition on the reset inputs workflow action… that should make it work.
Or you can put the input in a group then use Rest Data (as @viquarahmed07 suggests) instead.
Bubble executes the reset relevant inputs action based on what it understands from the rest of your WF.
I’ve found a workaround for this by including the input in your reset input action - add it to the condition on that action.
So it would be something like Reset Relevant Inputs - only when Input A's value is not empty.
Works every time!