Reset password workflow is not working

Hello everyobody! I hope all of you are doing great. I’m wirtint this question because the past few weeks, I have been suffering an issue with the reset passwaord workflow suggested by Bubble. The thing is that the users of my website ( say that they are not receiving a reset email. Then I tried to check what was happening and a popup came out that says that I need to install a custom SendGrid Key because I have exceeded the email rate limit (image 1) . Do you have any suggestions to solve this? Or any documentation or video that may helping me installing this SendGrid Key for the reset password use case?

Thanks in advance for your help!

The reset password function is working fine; you need to set up an email service for your app.

You can search the forum for how to set up your own SendGrid account. It’s pretty straightforward. However, Sendgrid has awful deliverability unless you want to pay a good bit of $$ for a paid plan.

I’d recommend Postmark.

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