Responsiveness on mobile

I am having an issue with responsiveness on mobile as the title says, but only with one small issue. I am happy with the way my app looks and works on mobile, until I type in an input.

When the keyboard presents, it zooms my app in, when. When I am done, I have to zoom out to give it that native look and feel.

Is this a group, input or page issue?

My groups are set to 500 w, and I apply max width on the group. My inputs I set to fixed width.

Any help would be greatfully appreciated!

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Hey, I had this problem before too. What helped me was to make the font of the inputs at size 18 font. Fixed it right away. :slight_smile: Hope that helps.

Correction: Size 16 Font


Interesting, I’ll give it a shot, thanks!

@J805 dude! Huge virtual hug! that worked! Thank you VERY much!

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No problem, ya, makes a huge difference :slight_smile:

@J805 - you’re very much on the right path.

Apple (Safari) automatically zooms in on any inputs smaller than size 16. So, anything at 16 or greater will disable the automatic zoom.


Ah, that’s right, I am not at my computer right now so I couldn’t check, I knew it was one of those. :slight_smile: The goals is to make sure the user can see the info. Apple does the auto zoom assuming anything smaller than 16 would be hard to see. Thanks for the correction @dan1


Thanks!! I’m having the same issue as well. Tried this solution and it fixed the zoom in problem. Now my login page feels native versus like a movable webpage before.

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