Hi, so I have a reusable element that acts as a “dropdown” or “action menu” in my repeating group that contains a list of users. It’s an icon with 3 stacked dots, and when clicked, it displays a group focus with the option to edit. When edit is clicked, I want to display a new group with data about the user in the cell using inputs so that the data can be edited. How can I do this?
My current method went like this:
when edit is clicked, a new “conditional” data type was created with the field “triggerUser” as the current user and the field “targetUser” as the reusable elements user (based on the cell that its in). then, on the admin panel, i have a “do every 1 second” event that hides the group with the repeating group, displays data in the edit user group (do a search for “conditionals” (conditional: “triggerUser” = current user) first item’s targetUser. Then, it shows the edit user group and then deletes the “conditional” data (delete list - do a search for “conditionals” (conditional: “triggerUser” = current user))
If this doesn’t make sense, I can send screenshots. Thanks