In the images gathering workflow
run the api without authentication
And not in the other table as well? the imagesdata that you sent a screenshot of?
What’s the exact Callback URL you’re sending in your requests?
It’s updating the log ID, but this is done via frontend workflow:
Nothing from backend workflow updates.
newImages is the request data images, and not getting updated, but neither is any of the debugging backend data either.
The exact callback URL I am sending in my request is the exact same as what the backend workflow shows when I click request data. Do you need the URL ?
Using this same exact URL with the /initialize.
Have even tried without /initialize as well, same results
are you on a paid plan?
Yes I am, I upgraded to it because before I couldn’t do anything on the backend workflow but now I can actually edit it with my plan
I’m on the personal plan
can you re-do the detect request and show the request body you’re receiving?
I’m sorry there’s a bit of confusion
If you are creating a new images data and save the id from the front-end
what is the create new images data that you have in the backend workflow?
can you when sending the initial api and save the prompt id save as well the parameters you’re sending to the api? (especially the url?)
and seems like the field returning the image link, was it by default type image? or have you changed it?
I want to create newImages data here, so it can be sent to frontend to show the user. These ‘newImages’ and the current images given from this webhook.
Wdym save the prompt id and parameters? Are you referring to the ones in this callback?
newImages data in the frontend is just supposed to be shown in a repeatingGroup (it gives 4 ‘newimages’ at a time, since its a list).
I believe it used to be text, and i edited it to image. was I wrong in doing so?
I understand what you want to achieve, just confused by the creation on both front-end and back-end (you create a new record and save the prompt id after the initial call, and then create a new record in the backend this is why I don’t understand why are you creating the records on the same table for the initial api, and webhook! and not actually editing the record you created from the initial api?)
I mean if you can on the front-end save the callback-url value you’re passing to the initial api + the other parameters (model id, etc.)
And can you actually see in the api provider you’re using if they are trying to connect with your endpoint but no results? it’s returning the data and the data is valid?
Another thing,
- Can you try to capture response headers
- In the debugging table, save the status from the header
Only reason I am creating a record for the promptid was for log purposes based off what I was told earlier… I actually don’t need this information. only information here I care about actually receiving and keeping in my database here the images from the callback URL response.
This is all I need and functionality explained:
user does api call when frontend button click-> images are using the api service I am subscribed to… (theyre not instant takes around 30-60 seconds which is they say to utilize a callback in their docs) → once images generated they get sent to frontend to display for user and they are also saved to the users data.
the other parameters that are ‘saving’ are parameters I have to send in initial api call to get these images. The images aren’t set before that, they are only made after and then supposed to be sent via callback response
I’m not to sure what you mean by saving the status of header. I set it to save raw body text if thats what you meant:
Still no update in data tho.
I really dont know whats going wrong here because when testing ‘detect data’ I do get a response… but here nothing is saving to the data even tho responses are being received? How is that even possible
This is why I’m asking to save the parameters to check if the parameters are sent properly and pointing to your exact backend endpoint
Not rawbody text
There’s a status 200 or a code sent in the callback, this is the one that I’m asking to log
You can as well check the logs tab to check if this workflow was ever called
im not sure i follow.
there are all the options