Hello Intrepid Bubblers.
I need to create an item of data, and there are several related, complex steps involved, and I need to create that data from several different points in my app (such as via an API or from a user interface event) and, most importantly, I need to return the newly-create data item to those client workflows so I can act on it.
My choices seem to be …
- Recreate the complex create logic steps in each different place I need it to happen
- Do it in an API Workflow, which sounds groovy, except that workflows don’t return anything back to other workflows, unless you hook them up to the API Connector
I’ve used method #2 before but it seems a little screwball - exposing something externally only so it can return a parameter to an internal workflow. And I’m not sure it’s the best option for performance.
Option #1 is not exciting from a maintainability standpoint because now I have two or more touch points for that complex creation logic - a lot of places to make changes and easy to get out of sync.
Does anyone have any other ideas here? Am I talking Esperanto to myself?