RG not showing correctly

Hi! I have created a sort of search form with dropdowns, and checkboxes for the users to filter their search based on the needs.

All the dropdowns and checkoxes are based of the options feature. I then created the RG that pulls up the results based on the search but it only gives me the first data created, even where is exactly the problem.

RG, Workflow or Database.

The checkbox A is the ‘‘Location’’.
I was hoping to get the results in columns based on the every checkbox selected filtered by other dropdowns.

thank you!!!

Try setting up the different searches in the Conditional tab for the repeating group rather than in workflows.

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Hi @mary.gherciu

Have you checked in debug mode if your RG data source after search contains only one item (to verify that your search isn’t returning multiple items while RG settings are set to show only the first one)?

Have you checked “Ignore empty constraints” on “Search for Users”? Having this checked means that your search will omit constraints that are not selected by the current user. However, there is a downside to having this selected: your search will return all users from the DB if no constraint is selected, which will be costly in terms of WU and search speed.

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Thank you for your reply! It looks like it was a problem in the privacy settings. It is displaying more itens in the list.

But, niow the problem is that it ignores one of the costraints. (the Location)

It puts out all the data, but not filtering based on the Services.

It looks that the problem was the data privacy.

I was trying to use the conditional tab, but it doesn’t have the ‘‘Hide’’ element option.

I wanted to hide the RG if the checkbox is unchecked. but it looks like there are no options there, only in the workflow.

Is that so, or there is somenthing I am missing?

The Layout tab for objects includes a checkbox (checked by default) “This element is visible on page load.” You can add a condition that unchecks this and hides the element. Or you can uncheck it and add a condition that shows the element under certain criteria.

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