Rich text editor adding link shows markdown data in post

I have a rich text editor.
Screenshot 2020-12-05 at 17.41.00

My client puts in a URL through the Rich Text interface.
Screenshot 2020-12-05 at 17.40.47

The result is markdown info in the blog post.

Does anyone have this issue? Can you point me in the right direction?

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That shouldn’t happen. You might want to submit a bug report.


Hello @naos I am having the same issue. Did you figure out a resolution or report this bug?

Same issue here. Any news from Bubble ?

UPDATE: I have just filed a bug report.

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Did you get a response to it?
I filed it too,… but it still doesn’t seem to be resolved.

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After soliciting I got this answer:

("]link caption This is actually a known-issue in Bubble. BBCode-formatted rich text is not compatible with our logic to recognize links - When you use the rich text editor, urls and links will be actually stored as something that looks like: Because our link recognition runs atop that, it will indeed detect a url. However that will break the Rich Text encoding format, and this will display the weird tags you were seeing.

At the moment, the simple but tedious workaround is to manually change the links in your rich text, and to disable the link recognition feature.

Don’t know what to say :cry:

The thing is that in the menu bar of the RTE plugin there is the button to insert a link. If they know that it cannot work, at least they should take it away so that we don’t even see it !!

It’ amazing that this is an official plugin and has so many problems …

@emmanuel maybe you can tell us if Bubble is going to address this kind of issue or maybe give us a workaround. Thanks

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Sorry to see I am not the only one. Should I also file a bug report to show Bubble that this is happening with multiple users so that they can address priority of the ticket? @stefanof

I think you should :+1: and maybe let us know what they say …

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