BBCode to Markdown

Hi :wave:

Just released another plugin which I built for myself at first, and decided to let everyone in on a piece of the pie :pie:.

This plugin converts native Bubble rich text editor value which uses BBCode into Markdown for use in Rich Text Editors, pushing API requests to Airtable or Notion, and more.

Plugin Link

Check it out, if you use it, drop me some feedback!

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Looks like the plugin isn’t available / searchable in the plugins store. Would love to use it!

Hey! Thanks for pointing that out. There is a small bug with the publishing, I just emailed Bubble, it’s already been reviewed so within the next 24-48 hours you’ll be able to install it :wink:

Hey @kadek ! Just got a confirmation from Bubble that it’s available now.

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Hi @parthapatel0723 - awesome plugin concept! Critical for integrating rich text inputs between Bubble and more common markdown databases (e.g., AirTable)
Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to work with Bubble’s Rich Text Input element.

For example, the following text doesn’t seem to convert properly:

[ml][ul][li indent=0 align=left]testing[/li][li indent=0 align=left][b]Bold test[/b][/li][li indent=0 align=left][i]italic test[/i][/li][li indent=0 align=left]test[/li][/ul][/ml]

Would love any suggestions or updates!

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Thanks for the compliments!

Sure thing, I can take a look tonight or tomorrow and let you know how to approach it :+1: