:rounded down to day showing -1 day at 7pm?

This has me stumped…anyone know what might cause this?

Workflow (this one is a Trigger without any special conditions)



I even altered other aspects of the action and it still doesn’t change anything

So weird

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If that’s a backend workflow that hasn’t been initiated by a User, it will use UTC as the time zone… (which is 5 hours ahead of Toronto time if I’m not mistaken?)…

So midnight in UTC (i.e. rounded down to day) is 7pm the previous day in Toronto.

So that’s behaving exactly as expected.

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Does :rounded down to day not work in backend workflows? Shouldn’t it still be midnight Jan 31?

Yes it does work… as I said, it works in UTC.

So the current date time (31st Jan 2023, 8:20pm here in the UK, which is on UTC), rounded down to day (i.e. 31st Jan 2023, 12:00am) is 30th Jan 2023, 7:00pm in Toronto (which I assume is where you are).

Thanks for that clarification @adamhholmes! Makes sense now. I got confused why it would operate as UTC and then display in my time zone.

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