I’m trying to set a workflow to check if a task is marked complete every day that is scheduled at a specific time and if the action is not completed then that will trigger a different workflow.
Users can create a task that repeats daily at a specific time that they choose. There is a button that marks their task complete. When that button is clicked, it triggers a workflow to create a new thing which is a notification that is sent to other users saying it is complete.
I want to create a workflow that will check if the task is not completed at the time it is scheduled that day. If it is not completed I want that to trigger a workflow to create a notification saying it’s not complete.
You can have a yes/no field in that task and every x time of the day, have a workflow to run and check if that task’s completed is “no” and if “no”, have a workflow to send a notification.
Yea so they create a task that they want to complete everyday.
When creating a task they select the time of day they want to complete it.
For example, I can create a task to meditate everyday by 6am. When I mark that meditation complete by 6am the workflow to create the notifications sating its incomplete will not be triggered. But if i dont mark the task complete by 6am then it will trigger the workflow.
Do I set a condition on the workflow that says only when current date and time > tasks due date?
I have a y/n field for tasks and a workflow that that changes the task back to no everyday at midnight.
I’m not sure if changing it back to y/n will work because I also would like to save the date and time that the task was marked complete everyday so users can see how many days in a row they complete their meditation.
resetting it in the midnight might be a bit of a problem. What if they have a task during the midnight?
Here’s a different take for me:
create a different datatype related to that task and let them set a recurring interval, this way they are not only limited to the hours per day but they could also set it every x days / weeks
You can simply create a new datatype every subsequent schedule.
Ok, I created a different data type with a date interval but I don’t know how that works.
When creating the interval, I’m guessing the date and time picker element will be where the interval gets the data from but what do I need to do to make it recurring?
When a task is marked complete, would I just have a workflow create a new interval the following day at the same time?