at some point in my app I want to scroll-to-top the page until 0 (the very top of the page).
In workflow I added an action “Scroll to Index” set to 0 but it doesn’t anything.
Is there any way to achieve it?
at some point in my app I want to scroll-to-top the page until 0 (the very top of the page).
In workflow I added an action “Scroll to Index” set to 0 but it doesn’t anything.
Is there any way to achieve it?
Hi @lorenzo Hmm, it sounds like you have the scroll set up correctly! Can you share a link to the app editor?
Editor in PM.
MAIN MENU “Ver Listado” > David (profile) > scroll down and click on Carolina’s profile image :: the system now brings you to the profile of Carolina but without doing the scroll-to-top
DESIGN section
– “Single review profile image” is the group that containes the image of the reviewer and that has the workflow associated, it sets “Header A”'s mode to “profile-preview-other”
– Workflow > Header (folder) > PROFILE PREVIEW OTHER, reacts to the prev action and STEP 7 is the scroll-to
Thanks for your help.
Thanks @fayewatson for spotting the issue in my editor. Was a matter of execute the action of scroll-to-top in the workflow that was not happening because of same “mode” value. Something quite particular of my own app.
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