Hi, I have a search box where I am looking for “Courses” and the field is “Title”. A change in the search box’s value triggers a workflow where the user is sent to a results page and a parameter is sent as well (query = Search Box’s value’s Title). The issue is that what is typed in the search box is case sensitive, so if the text typed doesn’t exactly match the course’s title no parameter is sent to the results page. I have looked for other posts on this forum, and know case sensitivity is an issue that others have faced as well, but haven’t really found an answer. Could somebody please help me with this? Thank you!!
Are you saying you aren’t seeing the below?
When I type in lower case it still matches to my uppercased words
Hi Paul, thanks for the answer. I am seeing those autocomplete suggestions but the issue is that sending a parameter to a results page does not work when the text entered in the search box does not exactly match the database entry. In your example, if you continue typing the suggestion but in lowercaps (i.e., “bera moscato d’asti 2018”) and click enter to trigger the workflow to go to the results page no result will be displayed given that no parameter was sent.
So you’re saying that as long as the user selects one of the autocomplete drop down options and then hits enter, then your workflow works properly but if they start typing, see that the top result is what they want but don’t click on it and then hit enter, then your workflow triggers but incorrectly because nothing is sent? Is that correct?
Yes, that’s correct. That’s the issue.
Got it
My two suggestions would be to just tick the box “prevent ‘enter’ key from submitting” and then have a submit button. If they don’t click on one of the autocomplete results then have the button’s workflow go to the next page only when the searchbox’s value is not empty.
Is a tiny bit worse than the user experience you want but it does the trick
There is a way to do what you want but it involves not using the bubble element searchbox and writing your own plugin to create your own custom element with the functionality you’re wanting.
Thanks, appreciate your input and the suggestion. I’m trying to add an HTML element that automatically makes the text typed into an input box lowercase, but for some reason it’s not working for the search box (it does work for the regular input form). Any idea why this might be the case?
I don’t. I’m sure it has to do with how the search box is programmed.
When the user hits enter, can you get the current text in the search box to save to a custom state? If so then you can just send that value and use bubbles lowercase function to lower case it.
The only problem with this method of what you’re trying to do though is it doesn’t account for the user not typing the whole text string. If they type enough to have the top autocomplete result be what they want and then hit enter, they will only be submitting what they have typed so far
Hi Paul, thanks a lot for your response. I tried adding a custom state to the search box after the user hits enter but it doesn’t work. Also, you make a good point regarding what would happen if a user doesn’t type the whole text string. At any rate, I haven’t really found a solution to this whole issue.
I am using the Zeroqode Algolia plugin now but I understand it only works with an input field. However, a significant limitation in my view with using an input field is that I don’t think there is really a way for users to use their keyboard to navigate up and down autocomplete options and press enter whenever they see an option they want to select. This is the general search user interface I think a lot of users have become used to as it’s what is used in Google, FB, LinkedIn, etc. Do you have any further suggestions? Thanks again!