Do a search: filtered
is (in most cases) no different from applying the constraints on the search - i.e. it’s done directly on the database query.
It seems to be a common misconception around here that using the :filtered
operator applies filtering client-side - that’s not the case (at least, not usually).
It is the case if the filter operator uses an advanced filter.
@adamhholmes is correct. Check out the manual entry: Client-side and server-side processing | Bubble Docs
This can be useful when you want to allow for ‘ignore empty constraints’ on a search when you really want a few to not be ignored (e.g. =current user)
Hey , to give you a bit more confidence, here’s a similar dataset searching over 51,000 records with native search:

try algolia
bubbles internal search is fine but very limited (not fuzzy etc) and slow (compared to algolia)
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Really odd… I’ve got no idea what I’m doing wrong but I can’t get speeds like yours using any solution (Native vs Algolia vs QuickFind).
Here is a Loom where I demo Search + Results on both an Algolia and a Native solution. They’re both similar speeds (~2 second lag), but Aloglia has better matching: Isaacapp - 10 March 2025 | Loom
Native settings:
RE: Algolia:
- Does anyone know any more things I can try to speed up Algolia results?
- Does anyone know why I’d be getting ‘2267_WANGI_WANGI_NSW’ as the first result on a search for ‘2607’???
I believe it used to be different looking at the network tab but we’ll look into this more on our end. Thanks for the feedback!
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Inputs or postcodes likely the issue…key issue being an OR operator, unless that is just your source name
1 Like If you want some silly speeds you can use a ‘instant text’ plugin - this is basically running the search call for every character entered in the input.
Natively, Bubble won’t register the input until you finish typing (applies to both constraints on Algolia too).
Will consume more of whatever service your using (Bubble or external). I would recommend just having a loading state.

It’s just the source name:
Oh wow…
LiveText + Algolia is giving me near-instant results! Thanks @DjackLowCode
For Algolia, does anyone know how I can get the following example so ‘2071_EAST_KILLARA_NSW’ and below are excluded?
Answer was to change the TypoTollerance setting from ‘True’ to ‘Min’: