Segmentation of Customer Journey

Hi Can somebody help in recommending a good segmentation plugin within bubble I want to map some key events in the journey. Tried segments but I am not able to get the api for Bubble in the segment website Thanks Juan

You could create your own segmentation. Simply create a data type with the relevant fields. Include an event field which is an option set with all the different types of events. Depending on what actions the user takes, you would create a new segmentation data with a specific event type. That way you can filter them and display them.

I may be understanding you incorrectly, please let me know!

thanks, for the response yes you have understood my problem statement but its too abstract for me to implement can you help out with a more detailed breakdown please

Thanks @thekeybeats2 your advice it worked!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: