SelectPDF issue

We have received reports from several users regarding issues with the SelectPDF plugin. We are investigating the issue right now and will post updates to this thread.

The issue is now resolved. Please test and email support if you are still running into difficulties.

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Fix confirmed

Thank you for addressing this issue quickly. Can you please provide additional info about the cause of the issue and details of the assurances that Bubble will be taking to ensure that it does not occur again? This caused an interruption to our production services which was evident to our customers. We need to provide a similar explanation and assurance as well.


The service SelectPDF uses a legacy system that doesn’t support a browser features that is supposed to be supported by every browser out there (their tech is quite old apparently). We upgraded something and therefore their browser failed. We’re in touch with them so that they fix it, if they don’t we’ll have to stop supporting selectPDF and find another provider instead.


HI @emmanuel

If you do look for another provider check out

Used them for last 6 years and seem to be one of the more advanced APIs

And cost effective.

Thanks for the VERY quick update. This is not the first time for me that plugins have just stopped working with no change to our app’s code. I appreciate that other providers may not keep up their technology at the same pace as Bubble (and possibly vice versa). May I suggest that Bubble implement some basic automated testing for all plugins. This way when a platform update is to be implemented, issues like like can be identified prior to production implementation. I realize that this is not a simple task, but will only strengthen the Bubble platform. To offset Bubble’s costs for this testing, if you need to charge a fee to plugin providers, I personally would not be opposed to plugin providers passing those costs through to me knowing that once a plugin is approved/certified, that any potential conflicts would be identified an alerted proactively.


Tha’s a good idea, extending monitoring to plugins. If feasible. Could be some kind of API heartbeat check built into the plugin code.

You are right. that’s probably even a better implementation for Bubble. For a plugin to be “certified” (or whatever term to be used) a plugin has to include some functionality that does some kind of proactive test and report to Bubble. This way when Bubble makes platform updates, the responsibility shifts to the plugin provider and still ensures to the customer that the plugin will remain functioning or will alert Bubble/the developer of a conflict. Any plugin that is not “certified” does not come with this assurance and would be subject to potential failures with ongoing Bubble updates. I would pay the premium for a “certified” plugin if it could provide such an assurance.