Send email not working as expected

Hi all! Quick question: the “send email” action from the workflow works fine when sending to a gmail address, but nothing seems to happen when I send to a custom domain (in this case,

Any idea why this could be? How can I debug the email action to know whether they are being sent at all when the recipient is in that domain?

Thanks in advance,

Hi there @dariopy,

Welcome to the Bubble community!

Are you using your own Sendgrid API Key?

Hi @johnny, thanks for the reply.

As of now I haven’t configured anything with Sendgrid; I just used the send mail action out of the box. Do I need to get that Sendgrid key for the mail to other domains to work as desired?

Hi @dariopy

Have you tried using gmail as your target email?

I read somewhere that there is a known issue from the default Sendgrid from the app in sending email to Hotmail and Yahoo.

Hi Marvin,

yes, it actually works just fine when sending to gmail. But when I send to my domain, messages don’t arrive.

I think it’s probably Sendgrid issue

SendGrid Warning for Newbies - Tips - Bubble Forum

Many people recommend Postmark, but I haven’t tried myself

Postmark is awesome - Tips - Bubble Forum

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Yep! Postmark is great, I use it myself :slight_smile:

Just a followup for anyone interested: after providing my own Sendgrid API key, the issue was solved, that is, all mail arrives at my custom domain address.

I still don’t know the reason though; maybe Google Workspace was filtering the default mail (sent from

Thanks everyone for the help!

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