[Send email problem] No email receive from our gmail

We have problem with send email action (Send confirm email, Sent password reset email,…).
It work well several day so far, happen from today morning.
We have simple workflow to send email action. We can see email send ok from server log, but no email receive from our address.
It happen with all bubble application ( we using send email not using SendGrid).
How can i solve this problem
We want to build a system it about 3000 user
As i known, The number of times of sending mail is 50 times
So, registering an account and using send confirmation email is only limited to 50 people, right?

You should file a bug report immediately at Bug Report | Bubble as that’s the best way to diagnose issues.

thanks you, I want to hear the answer from question 2

On a free Plan, Yes.
Apparently, u’ll have to upgrade… or you can consider using third party like “sendgrid”, “mailgun” and the likes but this time around u’ll have to generate a random key (an action in the send email workflow) which will be bonded of course with privacy rule, this random key will be be saved in the user data table for reference purpose.
Am sure there are better ways, this is just my opinion.

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