I need to setup a newsletter that sends out a list of dynamic records (jobs) to subscribed users. I installed the sendgrid plugin but I can’t figure out how to send multiple records containing a link in one email. (To be specific, I need to send a list of jobs with job titles that contain a link (and possibly additional info such as location, posting date etc.).)
Many thanks for your help or pointers!
Did you ever figure this out. I’m just looking at bubble and this feature like yours has to be doable.
I currently use a mailchimp plugin by bubble. If you create a mailchimp account and link it with the api services with bubble. You have an element action that can add them to your email list. Then from mailchimp you can send things out to everyone on the list or specific people. Let me know if you have any questions.
Hi Dave
Yes, I set up a newsletter module in bubble.
I had a newsletter subscriber list and iterated through the list sending out individual emails using the sendgrid plugin. As for the dynamic content I had a newsletter data type with a record field that compiled a list of html texts coming from another list a html text.
The downside is that it takes quite a while to send out all the email (obviously depending on the list size).
Hope this helps,
My issue is simple and sounds doable. The user(s) will be recording information daily, mainly 2 - 4 times. Evey week they need to send the info in an easy to read format to the office. So in a week approximately 15-20 items. These will be unique to each user. I’m just watching tuts now and trying to answer questions I have before getting my hands dirty. Then the only other issue is connectivity…the users work remotely sometimes. Ideally this info could be stored locally but ill deal with that later.
Hi all,
Something very similar was accomplished using Postmark here: API Connector POST with dynamic data (postmark email) - #10 by nemanja.rilakovic