Sendgrid API - Substituting Body Text

I have the Sendgrid API set up correctly and it is successfully sending emails when triggered in my workflow using the the transactional template I have set up.

However I haven’t found a way to insert the Body content from the bubble workflow into my transactional template with either <%subject%> or <%body%>.

I’m sure there is an easy solution to this, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi @dmf0201 - when I first started using SG (I use Legacy Transactional Templates) I wasn’t sure what to do with those either. So I ignored <%subject%> and deleted <%body%>. I create the message I want to send in SG (not Bubble) and used VAR to send data from Bubble to SG (see post at link below). Not sure if that helps you achieve what you’re looking for?


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Hey @ nikolai ! Thanks man! That was exactly my problem, I just had to switch over and create a legacy transactional template and everything is good to go. Thanks again!

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