Sendgrid Lists - Issues


I’m having issues adding users to a Sendgrid list. I’m using the sendgrid plugin.

The workflow creates a contact. However once run it’s saying “SendGrid API error: this header value for Authorization is not correct null”

I’ve added “Bearer” infront of the API key and still no luck.

Another plugin asks for a “List ID” however I’ve no idea how to find this in send grid…

Any ideas?

Cheers, and stay safe.


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I’m struggling with this as well.

SendGrid support showed me that I can find the LIST ID in the URL name when you are on the List page in SendGrid.

I’ve also had no luck with “Bearer”. I’ve tested that in the following scenarios:
Settings API: Bearer fullapikey
Plugin API: Bearer fullapikey

Settings API: Bearer apikeyID
Plugin API: Bearer apikeyID

Settings API: fullapikey
Plugin API: fullapikey

Settings API: fullapikey
Plugin API: Bearer fullapikey

Settings API: Bearer fullapikey
Plugin API: fullapikey

All of these have generated the same error you received.

I’m hesitant to use the APIkeyID because my transactional emails didn’t work with that, I needed to use the full key in both the site settings and plugin api key to get them to work.

The Plugin page says you don’t need to put “Bearer” in the api key.

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Did you end up solving this? I’m having the same issue. I’m inputting the API Key generated by SendGrid and still no luck. Any suggestions?

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I’m also having issues with this plugin. I have it set up properly to be able to send emails with SendGrid using my SendGrid templates, but all of the SendGrid API actions are returning this error:

Any assistance would be much appreciated!

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Looks like a bug with the plugin has anyone reported it to @copilot ?


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Hey @simon. Yes I’ve reported it to @copilot. As of 5/1, they replied saying they would make a note of it and see if they can reproduce the error. That’s the last I’ve heard.

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Does anyone know if this issue has been fixed?

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I’m not sure if the issue has been resolved with @copilot’s plugin. I was able to find a solution for my case with a different plugin called Sendgrid Contacts that has many of the same functions:

Thanks. I tried that one too. I couldn’t figure out how to find my list IDs from SendGrid so I ended up using Mailchimp.

Has anyone solved this issue yet? Getting the same problem on both plugins (Copilot + Coach No Code)

I think I may have found the issue. It looks like plugin is still using the older version of the Sendgrid API for calling lists and a few other things. Would you guys (@copilot) mind updating this to the newer version ?

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Hey @pistol_whip,

We’re in the midst of a milestone update which will address many of the newest and pre-existing features.

For the future, giving us a shout at is the best path forward. :slight_smile:

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If you click on the contacts you can see all the contacts (Groups) if not you have to create a contact list. By clicking Create New in marketing New feature. Then your contact list is created.
Now Click on this contact list then you will redirect to new page where the email id of this contact list is shown if you are creating the new one it should be blank.
Check the url of this page**XXX-XXXX-XXX-XX** This xxxx is the list id . I searched this for several times finally i find this

Greetings, @copilot. Thanks for providing such a helpful plugin! I’ve been able to send emails, but I’m getting an “SendGrid API error: this header value for Authorization is not correct null” when running the Get All Lists call. Is this going to be addressed in the updates mentioned?

Hey @eLPDev,

It seems like you may not be providing your API token in the Plugins tab based on the error message you’ve shared. If you continue to experience issues, feel free to file a bug report with us or email :slight_smile:

Thanks for the prompt response! What’s funny is I do and have been able to send emails just fine with the plugin, so the API definitely works.

I’m getting the same error when trying to use the api calls. Has this feature been fixed yet? Rather use one plugin that will send emails and modify contacts, and not have to use two.

Hi ! I’m re-opening it, did you found a solution ? I’m facing the same error for adding a new contact when a user registered in my app. What’s strange is that sending emails is working really fine

@guillermo @eLPDev @darsa @pistol_whip @natvancleve @AA-ron @simon @alast @walker @cairngormstudios