I have 2 User Types, a “Contractor” and an “Admin”.
The contractor will send a proposal, and the admin will approve or disapprove the proposal.
I have set up my database to
Data Type = “Proposals”
Data Fields = “Contractor Name”, “Proposal Title” and “Result”
In the admin dashboard I have a Repeating Group with the
“Contractor Name” column containing “text”
“Proposal Title” column containing “text” and
“Result” column containing a “dropdown”.
“Contractor Name” and “Proposal Title” pulls value from the database.
The “dropdown” has
“processing” (set as default),
“rejected” and
“approved” as possible choices (“Result”).
In the Repeating Group I currently have
row1 showing “contractor1”, “proposal1” and “processing”
row2 showing “contractor2”, “prop2” and “processing”
Say for example, I changed row1 to “contractor1”, “prop1” and “approved” and row2 to
“contractor2”, “prop2” and “rejected”.
How do I save the new dropdown value (“Result”) to the database?
Thank you!