I changed the Description to show my own text whenever my website link is shared, but it still keeps showing bubbles description (Bubble introduces a new way…).
I changed the Description to show my own text whenever my website link is shared, but it still keeps showing bubbles description (Bubble introduces a new way…).
Try refreshing the data.
This feature is only available on paid plans… Is your app on a paid plan?
i am on a paid plan
As @marcusandrews suggests, do test/refresh data (just below those settings). This will open Facebook’s developer console interface. Click “Fetch new scrape data” there.
But i want it not only for facebook, also for telegram and whats app channels, same problem there
Ah. You’ll find similar settings on every page object. That’s probably what you’re looking for.
tried that too, problem persists
Just to state the obvious – since I miss the obvious myself sometimes – you are pushing these changes to Live, or checking facebook against version-test, right?
both, same issue
Have you gone to the bottom of every page and filled it out?
not every, only for the index page is what im trying to share
Might be good to wait it out, at least 24 hours. Then maybe consider sending a bug report.