Facebook description

Hi all,

I hope that you guys could help me (again). I would like to change the Facebook description when my website is shared on Facebook, because atm the description is as followed:

meta property=“og:description” content=“Bubble introduces a new way to build a web application. It’s a point-and-click programming tool. Bubble hosts all applications on its cloud platform.”

I tried to change this @ Settings --> SEO/Metatags --> Facebook & Twitter --> description.

Unfortunately the scraper does not scrape the new description. Is there another way?

Many thanks,


This is pretty common.
You need to change the SEO setting on every page as well - double click on the page itself and scroll to the bottom of the attribute window and you’ll see that default bubble SEO message. Change it on every page.

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It depends what page you are sharing in the share element, an individual page or the site.

If you share the top level URL it will scrape that by default, no matter what page it is on. So a site wide “share my site” button.

If you share a specific “page” then you will need to have individual entries. Alternatively, you could add meta data to each page to set the canonical URL for sharing which would be the top level.

Hi john, I am new at bubble and I am having the same problem with sharing. I followed your steps but I still see the original Facebook bubble message?? Any idea why? I also tried to add the meta tags directly to the HTML header and if I see source code I can see them added but they do not reflect on the facebook message

Did you change on the Settings > SEO page as well?