It is not in english, but I believe it is easy to navigate. Go to index, then click on any post at “Continuar lendo” and the post page will be open.
My question is about SEO/FB of this page, specially when I try to share the page. When the user clicks on “continuar lendo” (read more), it sends the post data to the page. So, on the page (post aberto), the inputs that are related to SEO/FB, I am using the “current page’s” information, like title, text and image. So, I wanted these informations to be dynamic, and when I share on facebook, I can show the current post’s information.
But when I try to share (using the addtoany plugin or the Redirecting... URL) they just show the bubble’s default information. I also tried to refresh the facebook data like I saw on a post.
You need to set that information in the AddToAny plugin element too. You define what is the destination page you want the share to be. I think you have not updated that and so it’s showing the Bubble default values.
Secondly, if you have clicked the share once (say FB) with the default value, and then you update the value in the AddToAny plugin to the dynamic value that you need, then you would need to update/refresh the FB cache for that link (Use: ). This is because, FB cache’s the old values and won’t fetch the updated information again.
The funny part is that when I share, I see the default values, but when I click on the post, it opens the right post (so the URL is working).
I don’t know if I am doing something wrong to reset the FB cache’s, because it seems I am refreshing just the index page’s value and not all the post’s URL, like I want to.
If you want to see what I have done, this is my app. You can access here. The page of the posts is “Post aberto”.
In the Facebook Debug fetch, enter the exact page URL, and not just the domain name.
For example, if you are fetching a page /contact, you will need to fetch like this:
I couldn’t access your app to take a look, but I think this should help. In case of bubble, if your Post is “Post aberto”, and is a value you get from the DB, the URL might be something like{title-unique-id}. You need to fetch the exact URL.